Sunday, January 31, 2010

Chicken pimpin'

The Turkey likes chicken.

Wait. Let's do that again....

The Turkey LUVS him some chick-kun! (insert hearts here)

Better. Much better.

He likes it so much he has started inviting his friends over for dinner when he knows we're having chicken. The last friend that was subjected to our chicken went home a very happy camper. And today, as we left the grocery store with fresh chicken breasts, the Turkey reached for his cell phone and simultaneously asked if So-and-So could come over for dinner tonight.

Um. Hold the phone! How about asking if I purchased enough chicken to feed not one but TWO teenagers? How about that tonight is a school night? And what ever happened to asking before inviting? And while we're at it ... this is the kicker, folks ... ready for it? ... you sure? ... here goes ...

"Why are you pimping my chicken?!"

Yes, folks. I accused my son of chicken pimping. *heavy sigh*

I don't think chicken pimping is a punishable offense so we're probably safe for the time being. Well, as safe as one can be when they are laughing so hard there are snorts and snirks. (What's a snirk? Dunno. I just made it up. Like it?)

Anyway, the laughter subsided and dinner was good. Friend So-and-So wasn't here tonight but the Turkey liked him some chicken pimping anyway. :-)

Cluck on!

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