Thursday, January 7, 2010

Moving on up

THIS is my new house. Go ahead and click on that link. Click and drool. G'head. Gorgeous, isn't it? Spectacularly wonderful even. Mmmm!

Drool all you want but I would like to mention yet again that you really don't need to enter the contest. Nope. Do not enter. DO.NOT.ENTER.THE.CONTEST. Get it? I mean, why waste all that energy and computer power by entering the HGTV Dream Home giveaway when, in the end, it will be mine? Hmm? I'm just protecting you from elevated expectations and unwarranted disappointment and depression when you don't win and I do. Isn't that nice of me? ((bats eyelashes))

Stay tuned for details on the housewarming party! :)

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