Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Novel twizzler

I read this book in a single day. One. Uno. Eins. Yep, ONE day from start to finish. That was yesterday. A week day, no less! Of course it helped to have 3.5 hours of semi uninterrupted reading time while in the waiting room at the auto mechanics'. (I was waiting for new tires that weren't in stock. Always fun.) And after the morning at the shop, I read a little more. Got some work done. Attended a thingy-ma-bobber at the high school. ("Thingy-ma-bobber" is a highly technical term for Overly Complicated 11th Grade Scheduling). Dinner. Load of laundry. Email and facebook checks. And then a little more reading. The book was cracked at 7:30am and was finished by 11pm, with a little life in between. Not a bad day at all!

It's been a loooooong time since I've read an entire book in one day. This particular book is a good choice for a single-day read because the entire plot takes place in the course of one day too. It felt like I was keeping pace with the action somehow. And, yes, I would recommend it if you are looking for something entertaining, well worded, intellectually stimulating, exciting and fictional. It definitely scores 9 out of 10 gobble gobbles.

My only complaint is that I was utterly exhausted by page 438. (There are 509 pages to read, by the way.) There were so many plot twists and turns I was beginning to feel like I was being jerked around. Like I was inside a twizzler instead of a novel by the way it was all tightly wound.  30 pages later -- at #463 -- I was ready to call it quits. It didn't matter if the last few pages tied up loose ends, I just wanted out. "Please, Mr. Brown, make it stop!" she cried. And what a great relief it was when the last 50 pages were skimmed and book was finally finished at 11pm. Whew!

So have you read the book yet? Did you have the same twizzler issue? Did you get whiplash from being jerked around so much? Or was I the only one?

If you haven't read the book yet, do yourself a favor and don't wait for the movie. Read the book. Twizzlers are cheaper if you don't have to buy them at the movie theater. ;-)

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