Friday, January 15, 2010

I did the macarena with a phone... ???

I did the macarena with a phone at the dinner table because I'm NOT crazy.

Really? What's not crazy about that? I mean, people haven't done the macarena in YEARS, much less at the dinner table. With a phone? Hello?

This was the crazy thing going around facebook today. The month you were born -- July for me -- relates to "I did the macarena with..."  But if you were born in, say, January, it would be "I kicked..." The day you were born is the next phrase, and so on. Thus, I did the macarena with a phone at the dinner table because I'm NOT crazy. Ta da!

But I really wanted to be born on November 16th:  I yelled at a pickle in line at the bank because I'm cool like that.

Who has the time to come up with these things anyway?

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