Sunday, January 24, 2010

Hard traveling

Operation Meals on Wheels was a success! After 4 full days of hard traveling I am quite happy to be home. Happy HaPpY HAPPY!

What's that? You want to know what "hard traveling" means? Ah. Since I didn't divulge our travel plans in the earlier post here is the itinerary in a nutshell: Landed in West Palm Beach on Tuesday and drove up to Jupiter for dinner. The next day was Delray Beach and then down to Key Largo for dinner. After dinner we crossed Alligator Alley and stopped for the night in Naples. Naples for breakfast. Ft. Myers for lunch. Put boss on the plane and then I started driving north. Spent the night in Gainsville then headed to Destin for a lunch meeting. Wandered around Destin for a bit and then caught a flight home. And that, my turkeys, is the definition Hard Traveling. We were either in the car or in an eating meeting for FOUR DAYS! That and hotel rooms.

I had hoped to be able to document the trip in photos but after the first 24 hours I forgot the camera was along for the ride. Here's what I did get, though:

This was my mini suite in Delray Beach. I got this nice living room, large bathroom and comfy bedroom while my boss got a *cough!* closet.  Hee hee! All I can say is that it pays to be conversational with the front desk staff. :-)

Directly across the street from the hotel was the beach. The mangroves created a tunnel over the path that was way cool.

Pictures from the beach:

The sun was so bright I couldn't see the screen on the tiny digital camera so I just started clicking and hoping a couple pictures would turn out. You can see a few of the sandpipers in the last picture as well as the shells that washed up with the tide. It really was a lovely morning.

Turning around you could see our hotel peeking out above the dunes:

And downtown Delray Beach: 

After Delray Beach it was south to Key Largo through the Everglades. The boss lady had the camera for a few minutes and this is what she got:


It was nothing but mini islands, roads, water and sunshine as far as you could see. We lost track of the number of bridges we crossed but it was a lot. Once at our destination the landscape changed significantly.
Sunset in Key Largo. Mmmmmm.

Taking pictures of the marina from the back of a moving golf cart is never a good idea. Let's try again...

Much better! Next time I would like to try traversing the state in one of these uber comfortable modes of transportation. :-)

Speaking of traversing the state, here are the remaining shots from the trip:

I-75 somewhere north of Sarasota.  It was flat. And straight. And long. And flat. Did I mention it was flat?

About the same time as I was trying to capture the flatness (did I mention it was flat?), I looked west and realized there was a pretty sunset. Snap! And that was the last snap of the trip. By the last day I could have cared less about the camera and was just interested in sticking the toes in the sand and soaking up the last snitches of sunshine before heading back to the metropolis.

Next up is a massage to work out these traveling kinks. Toodles!

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