Thursday, January 14, 2010

Want to buy a pizza?

Would you like to buy a pizza? What about pizza dogs? A cheesecake? Cookie dough? Every year we get slammed with not one but TWO food fundraisers during the same weeks in January. ARGH! I hate this. I really wish these programs would resort to the old fashioned fundraising of "give me a dollar (or five) to help me do X." Pretty please? With whipped cream on top? I hate that the kid has quotas for both programs and HAS to sell pizzas and pizza dogs and cheesecake and all the other unhealthy products in these two catalogs. Bleck. Would someone puh-leeze come up with school fundraisers that are NOT food based?!?!

In the meantime, if you want to buy a pizza or something similar we've got you covered. If you want to contribute $5 or $10 or more to support either the Botball Competition Team or the Boy Scouts and skip the pizzas altogether, well that would be super wonderful too.

PS -- I neglected to mention we also have candy bars for $1. HELP!

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