Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Giving life an extra squeeze

Yes, my friends, it's confirmed. We always knew there was some fun here but now it has been scientifically proven. At a staff retreat today we used the Myers Briggs type indicator which, as expected, categorized me as an ENFP. For the record, that's been the standard result for all three Myers Briggs tests I have taken. It's Extraversion, iNtuition, Feeling, Perceiving. Here's what the worksheet said about me:
  • People oriented
  • Creative
  • Seeks harmony
  • Life of the party
  • More starts than finishes
  • Most optimistic
Perfect, no? But wait. It gets better. For each type there is a phrase to describe that person. So an ISFP says "sees much but shares little," and an ESTP says "the ultimate realist." (Sooo not me!) Mine says....are ya' ready for this? REALLY ready? goes....mine says


Yep. Squeeze life. That just makes me smile. Smile big smiles. :)

No matter what your type, you are invited to join me in the ENFP world for a bit and squeeze. That's right, just give your life an extra squeeze today. Squeeze like a hug. Squeeze like your lungs during a laughing fit. Squeeze like you mean it! Just squeeze! Trust me, your life will love you all the more for it.



Anonymous said...

Well you know that I an an ENFP as well, maybe that's why we got along, good thing we had Jackie to do the finishes!!

Jess said...

Wonder twins, schmunder twins. ENFP powers - ACTIVATE! :)