Thursday, July 24, 2008

Turkey cutlets

What do you get when you cross a turkey with a pocket knife?
In Drew's case, he got stitches in his thumb.

I received one of those heart-stopping calls from the camp nurse today that everything was fine, Drew had just been treated and had a few stitches after a slip-up with a pocket knife. Whew. After grilling her on size, location, treatment protocols, follow-ups, etc. I got to talk with Drew for a bit. He was shaken up by the novacaine injections (not the sutures or the act of getting sliced, mind you) and bummed that he is restricted from swimming in the lake, but is otherwise fine. And as a measure of "fine," he quickly reminded me that it was lunch time and he would miss lunch if he didn't get off the phone and over to the dining hall. Right. See ya Sunday night, kid!

Friday, July 18, 2008

A homing turkey?

You've heard of homing pigeons, right? What about homing turkeys? Because I am beginning to think Drew is a homing turkey. So far this summer he's 3 for 3. Three excursions; three returns. I can't say his take-offs are all that smooth as I usually find a few scattered feathers after each one, but at least he's coming home with all his stuffing in tact. Cross your fingers the next two trips are just as good.

He just got home after what seems to be a grand week at Camp #3. Below are some photos we took after tonight's closing ceremony. It's such a picturesque place. And now I'm doing the multi-tasking thing of watching the 11pm news, blogging, editing photos and listening to the laundry agitating. Clothes must be clean for Drew flies the coop again in 34 hours for Camp #4. No rest for the weary!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Flyin' the coop

He's gone again. I dropped him off at camp on Sunday with barely a "bye, mom!" before he lugged all his gear upstairs to claim a bunk. This is Drew's third year doing both summer and winter camps at this particular place so he's obviously gotten comfortable with the routine, the counselors, and the other kids in attendance. In the past we've taken several minutes to identify The Perfect Bunk before he would let me help him unpack the necessities like flashlight, book and fan, unfurl the sleeping bag, and then we would meander downstairs for the requisite good bye hugs. This year it was good bye routine, hello independent teenager.

What he doesn't know is that I flew the coop as well. Barely 12 hours after "bye, mom" from Mr. Independent Teenager, I jumped on a train to New York. Hello, Big Apple! It was a day of gastronomical delights, sights and smells, a celebration for April, a quintessential NY hair raising taxi ride, a wonderful visit to Kate's Paperie, and dinner at Artisanal before catching the train home. Delicious. Delectable. De-frickin'-fabulous!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Turkey or haggis?

I found this band during one of my many e-tail therapy sessions with iTunes. Enter the Haggis is nearly impossible to classify so let's quote their website by saying "eth is a high energy collision of celtic, rock and world styles." Bagpipes, fiddles, electric guitars, drums, vocals -- they've got it all! Who cares what haggis really is when one can have so much fun with the music? Turkey just makes you sleepy.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy everything!

Last summer we celebrated my sister's wedding. She and her hubby picked June 30 to marry, putting them smack in the middle of Event Week. Here's the line-up:

June 28 :: brother's birthday
June 30 :: sister and hubby's anniversary
July 2 :: mom & dad's anniversary
July 3 :: my birthday

Then we realized everyone but Devon and Drew had something personal to celebrate that week. We have since christened July 1 as "DD Day" for Devon and Drew so they, too, can be an active part of Event Week. Now we just need to find someone to take over June 29 and we'll have a celebration every day of the week!
