Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The peeps are here!

Hooray! It's finally here! If you have yet to see the annual Peep Show contest sponsored by the Washington Post you really must check it out. Go there. Now! The creativity and artistry is amazing. Ah.Maze.Zing! And how nice of them to do the banner in pink this year. Aw! The editors and web gurus there must be pink turkeys at heart. <3 (that's a heart on its side in case you were wondering)

The annual Peeps Show always gets my creative juices flowing. What can you do with peeps? Besides eat them, of course. What would your peep-arama look like? How many peeps would it take to build it? Would it be pink or yellow or purple? (Are there other colors I'm missing?) Can you roast peeps like regular marshmellows? How many peeps does it take to......OH! Better yet, have you ever tried to make a peep martini? (Or a peep-tini, as my BFF would say.)

One peep-tini on this weekend's "to do" list!

Maybe two.

Or three.

Quality control, ya know?

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


If life had a big ol' Like button a la facebook I would totally click Like on these things today:

Traffic (or the absence thereof) during K-12 spring break
M&M's (not the coconut ones which are a total "dislike" (eeuw!) but plain ol' candy coated milk chocolate M&M's. Mmmmm!)
Texting during a meeting so it looks like you're answering professional emails (Shhh!)
JibJab's Easter cards
Lunch with the work spouse
The "like" button on facebook
The absence of a "dislike" button on facebook
Friends who offer the use of their guestroom
Radio stations on iTunes
The morning news (Because it's much more positive than the evening news. Go figure.)
Pretty fumes (Some people say "perfume.")
Google maps
The ringtone on my cell phone ("Summon the Heroes" anyone?)
Blonde streaks
The possibility of a certain teenager having a summer job
Netflix movies via Wii
Freshly laundered sheets
Very active board members (Job security - yee haw!)
Momisms (Flow snurries, people. Flow snurries.)
The Turkey's laughter
The fact that The Turkey no longer needs daycare
Comfy mumfies (Mmmm!)
Tush toasters in the car
A good book


YOU! :-)

Monday, March 29, 2010

Marching to a different drummer

It's March 29th? Really? When did that happen? Where did the month go?

Um. No. Not so great for a blog opening. Hmmm. Try this one: 

March. Marching on. Marching to a different drummer.

Um. Still no. I mean, everyone knows I march to a different drummer. No secret there. 

March madness.

Duh! And still no. Sigh.

I'm gettin' my blog on again... (Ah. Much better!) I am not quite sure where March went, other than it's almost out the door. Madness, indeed! What the heck did I do this month? Basketball? No. Trips? No. Black tie events? Definitely no. Work? Yes. Fun? YES. But I can't tell you exactly what it was. Drat. Let's do a little BSI (blog scene investigation, in case you were wondering) and see what happens. Maybe we can recreate a little of the fun. Grab the popcorn and let's go! (Make mine with extra butter and lots of salt.) (Please.) (Can't forget the please.)




It looks like March was boring. Boooooorrrrrrrrrrriiiiinnngggggg. The work time was busy, the evenings were full, the weekends were weekends, spring break happened (and was also boring, just in case you were wondering), and the weather has gotten progressively better. Yep. March. Yawn.

I did get some fluff-a-doodle-doo time during spring break and came out blonder. Yee haw! The hairs are highlighted so it's not all-over color but the effect is definitely, well, blonder. Whether or not blondes have more fun is still in research stages, but the funness (a word?) of the streaks is definitely me. Wanna see? Of course you do!
Oops. That's not it. That was taken via Skype one night. Cute, but not the One.

Aha! This is still not the One but is a picture of the two of us with Mr. and Mrs. T at their farewell party. Mr. T is the teacher that organized the trip to Turkey 2 years ago and hosted the boys every Saturday night for calculus club. Did you catch the past tense there? No more calculus club. Nope. The T's moved back to Turkey last week. See Mrs. T's tears in the photo? Heck, see how tall the Turkey is? See my blondness?  (Oooo! This is like an old fashioned game of I Spy!)

Ding! We have a winner! So it's not the best picture, nor in the best light, but you get the general idea. Blonde streaks mixed in with ... huh? ... are those curls? Yep. I even brushed them before the picture was taken so they are smoother than usual if you can believe it. (The hairs, that is. I brushed the hairs. Please, no fuzzy teeth!) I'm not quite sure what's happening but my hair is getting curly with age. Yes, this is the same girl that spent the first 40 years of life trying to manufacture curls and now it's a simple matter of scrunch-and-go. Finally!

So what else did March bring? Let's see... The Turkey and I both had/have spring breaks. Three cheers for time off! The only problem is that our breaks did not coincide. Grrrrr. So during my spring break I was still getting up at o-dark-early-thirty to get the kid to school and supervising homework in the evenings. Early mornings and homework do not an exciting spring break make. At least it was a few days I didn't have to battle rush hour traffic or get dressed up. I'll take whatever I can get.

On the opposite end of the spectrum is The Turkey's spring break. Now. Yep, he's currently on spring break and I don't think he's showered yet. (Thank goodness it's only Monday!) His day was spent ... Wait. Let's try that again ... After waking up slightly before noon (more like it!), his day was spent on the computer, eating, playing online games, eating, watching tv, eating, playing online games, eating, eating, and more tv. Oh, and now he's eating again. Figures.

We are planning a spring break trip for later this week which will include ... hold on to your hat ... his first college tour. I don't know whether to laugh or cry at that. College? My kid? Already? Sigh. I'll post details as soon as they are settled, but let's just say this will be quite a wonderful and eponymous trip. (Using my SAT words!)

The Turkey just discovered I was blogging and thought it would be cool to do something crazy like run out and buy a Lamborghini so I could blog about it. Ha! Good try, dude. See? Our lives really aren't boring, they are just sometimes difficult to translate into bloggese. (One "g" or two? Blogese? Does it really make a difference?)

And on that note, I must say adieu for now. It's late and unlike some people in this house, I have to work tomorrow. Toodles!

PMG - happy now?