Thursday, February 24, 2011


Holy moly. Creepin' cows! Whew! The other turkeys in the pen are getting to me today. Meetings, meetings, phone calls, emails that couldn't be returned fast enough, and piles o' papers everywhere was just my morning. The afternoon wasn't much better. It was about the time my afternoon run to the little girls' room was interrupted by an "urgent phone call" (yes, it has been THAT kind of day) that I decided it was high time to come up with a creative solution.
Enter androidify! That's right peeps, this is my solution. My personal android. She will do everything for me at record speed, not letting the turkeys get her down. Nope! She will hover unemotionally over any situation, find the appropriate app and, voila!, things will magically happen! Even with those earrings on her antenna looking like huge zits she can still make things happen.

Letters signed - check!
Agreements proofed - check!
Phone calls returned - check! (even if they sounded somewhat electronic)
Lists made - check!
Emails sent - check!
Nails bitten filed - check!
She even made a droid version of The Turkey:

Let's hope the Turkey's droid will complete his NHS application that's due tomorrow. ;-)

And if anyone figures out a way to effectively name these personal droids without sounding like a hemorrhoid cream -- Jessoid, anyone? -- they get some serious bonus points! Preparation H optional.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Hearts v2.0

Last Friday I found a box of chocolate goodies on my desk. This Friday - today - I walk in to the office and find a bowl of conversation hearts waiting for me. *Squeal!*  Thank you to my staff who know my candy cravings and help maintain the sugar high!

Pink turkey peeps might remember last year's fiasco when NECCO changed the classic formula for their ubiquitous conversation hearts. It was not pretty. There were tears, fussings, fumings, lots of sulking, letters exchanged, emails sent, and a big boycott of the classic sweethearts. All my coworkers and cohorts knew how I had been wronged and suffered through the story on multiple occasions. As far as breakups go, it was a bad one. Bad!

One year later my heart is mended and I am with Brach's now, but here is what I want to say to NECCO on the anniversary of our tutti-fruity split:

You were my first love, NECCO. I will always have a sweet spot for you. You were generous with your sayings and calories throughout our years together but that can't overcome a lousy taste and how you ignored my pleas for you to change.

While our break-up was bittersweet and tasted all too fruity, please know that I am a fatter person because of you. When you get over the need to be a trend setter and realize you are really a classic at heart, I will be willing to talk. If things work out I might even consider the holy grail of liking you on Facebook. Maybe.

To quote your own hearts: SEE YA. And when you are ready to have a classic relationship: EMAIL ME.

Eat your heart out, 
pink turkey

Friday, February 11, 2011

The box

Check out what I found in my in box today:

Yep. That's my in box. That's my in box with a present in it! A present! For me! Woo hoo! 

And I know you're staring at that picture saying, "Huh? THAT'S your in box? It's too huge to be an in box." There might even be some head scratching or a furrowed brow.

See, that's much more than an in box. It's also the I-don't-want-to-deal-with-it-yet box, the ignore-it-and-maybe-it-will-go-away box, the don't-have-a-file-for-it-yet box, and the ever-popular plain-but-loved out box. 

Before I need a twelve step program for hyphen usage let's look at that box again:

Ahhh. If smell-o-vision were turned on you would get a good whiff of chocolate at this point. Chocolate? Chocolate in my in box?! Chocolate AND a present?! What could be better?! (Don't answer that.) 
Every year one of our favorite caterers brings these Valentines boxes o' yummies to our office. Apparently today was his delivery day. Who am I to argue? My in box loved the non-traditional interloper and my taste buds screamed for some coffee while I went on a sampling mission. 

Yum. Yum. Yummo! The heart shaped cakes on the left were my favorites. Gooey cake with a white chocolate glaze - mmmmm, mmmm, good! The strawberries were sweet, cookies moist, truffles great, chocolate covered pretzels to die for, and the chocolate straws melted in the mouth. 

 Yum! *sip of coffee* Seriously yummy.  *bite of chocolate* Thank you, Charles and company, for this delectable Friday afternoon treat. Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

A new post

Technically it's New Hope. New Hope, Pennsylvania to be exact. That's where the weekend adventure began. Like the train station? 
It was a cold day with a biting wind but we walked around the downtown area, had lunch overlooking the Delaware River, poked in a couple stores, picked up new coffee mugs (or tea if that's your preference), and then headed to New Jersey. 

New post.
New Hope.
New mugs.
New Jersey. 
See a theme?  ;-) 

In New Jersey we toured the power boat show for a -- pause for effect -- New Boat! (Gotta love the themes.) Regal, Formula, Sea-Doo, Bayliner, Kawasaki, Yamaha, yachts, sports, racing, in board, out board, dry heads and wet heads, we saw a lot. The mango colored Sea-Doo was the front runner by the time we left a couple hours later.

But let's get back to the New Theme, shall we? Because then I can show off my New coffee mugs. (Or tea mugs if you prefer; Pink Turkey is all about equal opportunity beverages.) 

Ta da! Thank you to the very fun New Hope store Mechanic Street MUGs for these awesomely funky and fun New mugs. If you are ever in the neighborhood I highly recommend a visit to this unique shop. Just click on the store name for the address and other info. Be sure to say "hi" to Joel when you're there! 

The weekend adventure ended just in time for a trip to the grocery store before unpacking and settling in for the Super Bowl. The Turkey and I have munchies and bottles o' beverages, and we're hoping for some great New commercials. 
