Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Apples, apples, and more apples

Those aren't leaves on the ground. Nope. Those are APPLES! 

The weekend brought some cooler weather so we decided to take advantage of it and headed north to the orchard. We weren't disappointed.

We wandered through the rows of trees, filling our bag with apples, tasting as we went. They had red delicious, golden delicious, staymen, ida red, and matsu. We adopted a few of each.

This was our transportation from the parking lot to the orchard. A tractor bed with old school bus seats, and a covering. Brilliant! Not comfortable by any means (shock absorbers, anyone?), but still brilliant.

It really was a pretty day and the apples were yummy. We even came away with some good pictures!

But I saved the best for last:  

See that guy behind the Turkey? Right there. Let's call him Big Grinner. Well, I have NO CLUE who he is, where he came from, or even recall him being on the bus-tractor contraption. But he has a cute grin and a great sense of humor! :-)

Thank you, Mr. Big Grinner, for being a part of our apple picking memories.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Weekend in Wally World

I spent the weekend with buddies from *gulp!* high school. Yep! Twenty five years after graduating and it felt like yesterday. We still ACTED like we were in high school, staying out after curfew, being rowdy, and then munching out on pizza at 3 a.m. at Frank's mom's house. Oh, yeah.

Well, maybe we were acting more like college kids. We were, after all, in the bar. 

I am working on stitching photos together to share with you. In the meantime, here's the alumni band video for your viewing pleasure:

Yes. Old people do indeed rock!

In addition to cheering my peeps and taking photos from the stands, we watched about 10 other bands perform on Saturday night before heading over to the bar to get warm and continue socializing. It was 3:41a.m. when I finally pulled into the garage at home. I might be rockin', but this old person just can't pull that off two nights in a row any more.

Yes, you read that right:  TWO nights in a row!

We had fun. :o)