Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memorial Day 2010

The long weekend started with an early wake-up call for the annual flag placement at the Veteran's Cemetery. It was an overcast morning, cool and pleasant, which helped the time go by quickly. (So did the sugar high from the donuts and sodas the boys had!)
Getting instructions. 
Planting flags. 
The carillon and main gate at the cemetery.

Wishing you and yours a safe and happy Memorial Day Weekend! 

Friday, May 28, 2010

Help wanted

HUNTER needed to decimate dust bunny population at Chez Our House. Must do floors and bathrooms too. No prev exp necessary. Killer attitude, cheap pay, easy hours, gratuitous blog postings, (im)possibly fun work environment. Apply here. EOE and LOL

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Departing Design

We were catching up with the latest episode of the quintessential CBS Sunday Morning this afternoon -- yes, morning in the afternoon; DVR's are a great thing -- and found this particular video to be most conversational. G'head. Click on that link. You'll be back in less than 5 minutes.

Did you see it? Did you watch the video?

Yes, the video is called "Designing for the Departed." It's all about coffins.


Coffins? Huh?

"Huh?" is right. But did you see the coffins that look like folk animals? How about the vegetable? Fire truck? The paint-it-yourself ones? (Granted, that would take some planning. Don't die before your coffin is finished!) The eagle? Abe Lincoln's? There's a lot of "huh?'s" to be had in these 5 minutes.

Besides the giggles and the aforementioned "huh?'s," the best part of this particular video was the conversation betwixt -- what a great word! -- betwixt us two turkeys. Have a listen:

     Turkey: You're gonna want one now, aren't you?

     Me: Not as a coffin. Maybe as art.

     Turkey: Not even a pink turkey coffin?

     Me: Nope. Just cremate me and turn my ashes into diamonds. That way I can keep sparkling.

     Turkey: (laughing hysterically) I'd wear you. (...and after a pause...) It gives new meaning to the phrase "who are you wearing."

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Happy day!

When I picked up the Turkey this afternoon he informed me that today, May 4th, was International Star Wars Day.

May the fourth be with you!

**insert groans and rolling eyes here**

Monday, May 3, 2010

DIY hits a new high

Have I died and gone to the big cheese farm in the sky? Am I seeing things?

DIY cheese? Artisanal cheese right from MY kitchen? In a couple of hours? Oh wow. WOW! 

My eyes blinked a few times to make sure this wasn't a mirage or part of the need-new-contacts thing, and then I quickly started surfing. And guess what? IT'S REAL! 

Yes, my friends, you can have fresh mozzarella, ricotta, chevre, paneer or queso blanco in a matter of hours without putting a toe in the grocery store or cheese shop. Oh.My.Goodness. I am swooning at the thought of it. Mmmm. Check it out for yourself at UrbanCheesecraft and buy it here. Just don't forget to invite me to the cheese tasting party!