Friday, June 12, 2009

From theme song to soundtrack

The theme song discussion from earlier this week prompted lots of office discussion. What's your theme song? Do you have different songs for different days? Can one song really define a person? Do you agree with another person's assessment of their theme song? Is a person's song choice rooted in their high school years or does it define them now? The discussion was too lengthy to post here but we did come up with some theme songs for a few co-workers. (Ride of the Valkyries to describe a particularly fierce individual; Jai Ho for another.) It was also agreed that a soundtrack is more appropriate than one song to describe a person. A soundtrack encompasses the emotion of different days, different moods, different times and themes in a person's life. Plus ... after all, doesn't everyone deserve their very own soundtrack?!

So there it is. Take a look at my iPod and you'll now see "Jess' Soundtrack" right there with all the other playlists. Woo hoo! It has lots of songs (lots!) and I'm starting to whittle them down to a respectable, oh, 20 to 25. Here are a few snippets compliments of LaLa:

7/20/09 UPDATE: click on a song and it will take you to LaLa where you can listen to it for free.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Theme song

Have you ever thought about your personal theme song? If someone made a sitcom or a variety show of your life, what song would be used to introduce the show? Better yet, pretend you are a public speaker or an athlete and a song is played every time you are introduced. What would that song be? (I'm told baseball players have personal theme songs that are played when they step up to bat. This information is strictly second-hand, though. Baseball is probably my least favorite sport -- oops. That's not right. Boxing is my least favorite. So that makes baseball second least favorite. Let's start that sentence over again, shall we? Ready? ... Baseball is one of my least favorite sports (ta da!) so don't expect to see me at the Yards doing reconaissance any time soon. To avoid a trip to the ball park I will gladly accept second-hand knowledge of this phenomenon. Hint.)

In an effort to identify such a tune I have spent an inordinate amount of time this morning browsing through the iTunes library looking for a my personal theme song. I've searched classical and classic rock, jazz and new age, pop and country, folk, vocal, even holiday, and so far nothing is jumping up and down saying "Ooo! Pick me! Pick me!" But here are some early front runners:

You Ain't Seen Nothin Yet - Bachman-Turner Overdrive
Celebration - Kool & the Gang
Until I See You Again - Jim Brickman
Santorini - Yanni (the live version because you've gotta have applause at the end!)
Still Believing - Mary Black
Summon the Heroes - John Williams (it's my cell phone ring, after all)
If I Had a Million Dollars - I'd be rich!
It's a Miracle - Barry Manilow (Ugh. But oh-so-groovy!)
Theme from Mission Impossible
Best Years of Our Lives - from Shrek
Playin' with My Friends - Tony Bennett

and Mel C. suggested Walkin' On Sunshine. Aww! That was sweet. (She got Too Marvelous For Words in return.)

Are you seeing the same common denominator with all those tunes? Catchy beat and fun? (Well, the Jim Brickman borders on sentimental and not as fun, but it's still light and has a steady beat. Kinda.) Any other ideas for Jess' theme song? I'll keep digging over here and will post updates. I'll also try to find links to these songs so you can hear them for yourself. In the meantime, think about your own personal theme song and let me know what it is.

Tonight the super Trouper lights are gonna blind me ... but I won't feel blue, 'cause somewhere in the crowd there's YOU!

Friday, June 5, 2009

One ear, or two?

The following is an actual conversation. The names have not been changed to protect the ones who think they are innocent but really aren't.

ME: Yo. The ears are small. Do you want one ear or two?


ME: One ear or two?


ME: (demonstrating) Ears! One ear, or two?!

He took two.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

An open letter

Dear AARP:

Yesterday I reached the milestone age of 77. I played bowling, baseball and boxing while talking on the phone and making dinner AND giving my kid instructions. It was a whirlwind 10 minutes. But apparently the Wii doesn't take multi tasking in to account so my Mii is now 77. That's right -- my electronic age is seventy seven years old. 77! (It's really not so bad. After all, I still LOOK 40.)

I would like to apply for AARP membership based on my Wii age. I mean, my kid already asks what the dinosaurs were like so why not get the full benefits, right? That AARP card will score me discounts galore! And hello to the "55 or better" communitites! Ooo, there's social security and pensions too! Your website also mentions advocacy and I need all the help I can get. Yes indeedy. Sign me up!

I await your response with the Wii-mote safely put away and promise not to try to improve my electronic age. Pinky swear.

Your Wii-challenged new member,