Today is Valentine's Day. It is a most appropriate time to introduce you to a family phenomenon known affectionately as "momisms." We love these little critters, yes, we do. They surprise us, make us laugh, creep in to conversations at the most inopportune moments much like a preschooler, and contribute to the emotional intimacy of our everyday family life. Yes, love abounds for momisms.
Huh? "What's a momism," you ask? Ah. A momism is when yours truly (ie, mom) is thinking too fast and the words come out shmushed together. This is not just talking too fast (another habit), but actually
combining words unintentionally. Here are the Turkey's favorites from the momism dictionary:
flow snurries = snow flurries
shopway = term for a jaunt to the grocery store, either Shoppers or Safeway
Momisms are the frequent cause of giggles and guffaws. We were driving home the other night and one such instance induced peals of laughter that rolled in to the gasping-for-breath-with-tears-streaming-down-the-cheeks-can't-talk-so-hafta-snort snorts. (Your first clue should have been that we were in the car.) What made this particular instance so lovingly special was not the actual momism, though. No. It was the hand motions demonstrating the shmushing of words that ignited the laughter fireworks. It went something like this: *left hand*, *right hand*, *clap*! (Ooo. Not as funny in print. Guess you had to be there. Drew does a great impression, though, so please feel free to ask him to demonstrate.)
Anywho ... I am often and lovingly reminded of momisms and of the momism clap. Oh, how we love momisms! And if the frequency of momisms is any indication, love abounds. Happy Valentine's Day!