Tuesday, March 30, 2010


If life had a big ol' Like button a la facebook I would totally click Like on these things today:

Traffic (or the absence thereof) during K-12 spring break
M&M's (not the coconut ones which are a total "dislike" (eeuw!) but plain ol' candy coated milk chocolate M&M's. Mmmmm!)
Texting during a meeting so it looks like you're answering professional emails (Shhh!)
JibJab's Easter cards
Lunch with the work spouse
The "like" button on facebook
The absence of a "dislike" button on facebook
Friends who offer the use of their guestroom
Radio stations on iTunes
The morning news (Because it's much more positive than the evening news. Go figure.)
Pretty fumes (Some people say "perfume.")
Google maps
The ringtone on my cell phone ("Summon the Heroes" anyone?)
Blonde streaks
The possibility of a certain teenager having a summer job
Netflix movies via Wii
Freshly laundered sheets
Very active board members (Job security - yee haw!)
Momisms (Flow snurries, people. Flow snurries.)
The Turkey's laughter
The fact that The Turkey no longer needs daycare
Comfy mumfies (Mmmm!)
Tush toasters in the car
A good book


YOU! :-)

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