Saturday, August 25, 2012

moving day!

Everything fit in the car...


...including the Turkey (even though it looks like he was going to be strapped to the roof or something, he rode shotgun the entire way)! 

We were both giddy Saturday morning when the Moment arrived and we were on our way to campus. The Turkey was teasing me that I would cry like I did at his graduation and we were laughing a lot. (For the record, I didn't cry at graduation. Nope. It was more like a hurricane of tears. I had dry skin on my cheeks for a week!) We chatted the entire way to campus. 

Once there we efficiently got the car unpacked and everything in his room, hooked up his cable TV, put clothes in the closet, and then headed up to the bookstore to pick up his books. We made a couple of other stops throughout the morning and then got cold beverages, did "cheers" with 32 oz. soft drinks from Royal Farms, and I left. It was easy. It was probably easy because I had to go back the next day with a few more items (book shelf, bike, light bulbs, etc.) so it wasn't like I was leaving him in Kalamazoo by himself or anything. 

Not that there's anything wrong with Kalamazoo! 

But I saw him again on Sunday and we did a few more things, and once again I left without crying. It's been 48 hours now since I left him on campus for the first time and still no tears. I keep hearing of other parents who drop off their kids at school and cry buckets for days. Not me. Am I really that odd?  Dunno, but I'm heading out for happy hour with my peeps so I'll catch ya later, gators! :-) 

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