Sunday, November 28, 2010

Fa la la la la, la la la la!

Christmas is coming, the geese are getting fat. Please put a penny in the old man's hat. If you haven't got a penny, a Christmas song will do. If you haven't got a Christmas song, then God bless you! 

The Thanksgiving holiday is coming to a screeching halt, shoppers are out in full force in the malls and on line, there is a smattering of holiday tunes on the radio, and Christmas is less than one month away. It all points to one thing ...

It's time to make the annual Christmas playlist! YIPPEE!

Yes, my pink peeps, it is indeed that time of year again. I am in full Christmas song, holiday hits, fa la la la geeking mode. I spent hours this weekend combing through the iTunes store and my own song library for potential pieces to include. While listening, singing, humming, finding new options, listening some more, and toying with some possibilities, the proverbial light bulb finally clicked on.


Yep, just like that.

I have a mega iTunes collection with goo gobs of Christmas tunes -- not to brag; it's a little more embarrassing than that -- and would like to share the Christmas joy. In song. I have lots of favorites but what are YOUR favorites? Do you have an all-time favorite holiday tune? Does it matter who performs it, or does the tune of, say, Little Drummer Boy transcend the performer? Do you like the classical Christmas vibe a la Handel's Messiah, or something more modern and upbeat like Mary's Boy Child? Peaceful and quiet or big and bold? What song comes on the radio and makes you think "NOW it's Christmas?"

Don't go tell it on the mountain. Tell me instead! Leave a comment with your favorite Christmas song or songs and any other information you want to share about your holiday tune tastes.  Maybe, just maybe, your personal fave will make an appearance on the Christmas '10 mix.

God rest ye merry, gentle peeps!


PMG said...

Bruce Sprinsteen - Santa Clause is Coming to Town.

Jess said...
