Monday, November 8, 2010

Say "cheese!"


Before I snapped this picture it was so crowded that I couldn't even SEE the cheese, much less pick out some to sample or purchase. That's when the friendly Brenda came to my rescue. She saw me looking sullen and asked if she could get me anything from the counter. Um, there's cheese involved -- OF COURSE you can get me something from the counter!

Brenda and I chatted for a minute and then she disappeared behind the wall of people. She emerged from behind the wall a few minutes later with a tray of cheese. MY cheese! *Squeeee!*

I said my thank you's and then, miraculously, the sea of people parted. It was then that I really and truly saw the holy grail: cheese. Stacks and wheels and packages of cheese. The soundtrack of life paused while the angels sang. I had to remind myself to breathe. It was a profound moment.

Four hunks of that cheese came home and are now camped out in my fridge, waiting for tonight:

Glass of Wine, meet Cheese.
Cheese, meet Glass of Wine.

I have a feeling you two will be fast friends. :-)

1 comment:

Madre said...

Where's our invitation?