Monday, November 24, 2008

Infinitely confusing

The other day Drew asked me to imagine infinity. Then he asked me to imagine a number of smaller infinities within the larger infinity. Huh? My imagination failed. Infinity IS infinite, right? How could there be smaller infinities within a larger infinity? Wouldn't they all just run together so the larger infinities adopted the smaller ones? Like social services for infinities?

Ouch! I'm getting a headache just remembering the conversation. Ever the scientist, the Turkey presses on. Here's an excerpt:

Think of the larger infinity as an invisible container with a whole bunch of smaller infinities inside. (I'm imagining a matroska doll.) Some of the smaller infinities will collapse and fall in on themselves, others will just keep bumping around in the larger infinity fish bowl. (Ditch the matroska. I'm now imagining this as a pinball game but the flippers aren't working fast enough.) The large infinity can be a form of antimatter scientists call Nothing. Nothing being capitalized because “Nothing” is not nothing. (Headache alert. Do you have any ibuprofen?) Nothing is the “stuff” which holds every universe together, and brings some to collapse. Nothing has mass, as proved by Einstein. It accounts for approximately 96% of our universe. It may account for about 99.99999% of the large infinity, while the smaller infinities account for an infinitesimally small amount. (Um. Yeah. I'm still not following but if it will get you a scholarship, by all means, keep going.)

Blah ... universe ... random ... not all Nothing was created equal ... mass of nothing ... infinitely expanding ... blah ... pockets ... anti-mass ... (HEADACHE!) ... infinity ... interchangeable ... (is anyone else envisioning a scene from Men in Black?) ... larger infinity ... possible ...

Frankly, he lost me at imagine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, its Drew! I finally decided to see what craziness my mom has posted and decided to post about an article about me. (Go figure!) When I first read this, I burst out laughing about the pinball game reference. In fact, I simply couldn't *stop* laughing. I laughed so hard, in fact, that I almost didn't make it to what my mom had heard me saying! ROTFLMAO! Mind you, this is only an excerpt from what I said, and IF you R-E-A-L-L-Y want to read the whole thing (and get the whole headache) go to my nonexistent website at! Or just ask nicely!