Friday, June 18, 2010


We are big fans of books in our house. BIG fans! When we were in NYC a few years ago the Turkey actually cried real tears when he realized the New York Public Library's shelves weren't for public perusal. Real tears, folks! It would have happened at the Library of Congress too, except we found a door that we could peek through and actually SAW books! Whew. Granted, these trips both happened over 3 years ago but I like to think the examples are still valid.

More proof of the rampant Book Love in our house:

On the Last Day of School our first stop was the library to pick up some new tomes before going out for celebratory pizza. We ate pizza while reading. That was 2.5 days ago. Both books the Turkey checked out have been finished.

The Turkey's favorite t-shirt was the ONLY shirt he ever purchased while on vacation. It was purchased at the Library of Congress and looks like this:
Said t-shirt was retired only when a teenage friend commented he mistook the last word as "boobs." The shirt was never worn again. Yes, folks, books won out over boobs!

So when I came across this list of the most interesting libraries in the world, well, any of these would qualify for the Turkey's Ultimate Vacation. Yowser! Flip through it and you'll be floored. I was. And what a happy moment to discover we have already visited one of them. :-)

But just in case you are flying through one of these cities and want to purchase a book instead of just borrow it -- helping out the local economy, natch -- you can also put these most interesting bookstores in the world on your ultimate travel list. There's some serious ooh and aah here. And yes, we've been to one of these, too.

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