Monday, June 28, 2010

Road trippin'

After I dropped the Turkey off at camp this weekend I realized I had a free day on my hands. So after stopping for a cold beverage I decided to see where the road went. That road there, the one on the left. I usually veer off to the right to go towards camp, but this time I turned left.

Then I turned right.

Then left.

Then straight at a 4-way stop sign.

And pretty soon I found myself here:

This is about an hour north of camp. It's the Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania. I had stopped at an orchard, a winery that was closed (bummer!), and meandered through all sorts of adorable small towns before arriving here.

Here's another view of the river:

It was a calm day so the water was quite reflective. So reflective that... well, see for yourself:

I was sitting there feeling as if the river was watching me. LOL!

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