Thursday, July 7, 2011

The absentee blogger returns

I know. I know. I've been gone a lot lately.

Hiding, actually. I wasn't really gone, just hiding.

So much has happened in the past few months. Much of it I didn't feel right sharing with the big bad blog world at the time, but now that things are on the up-and-up again here is a quick pictorial highlight tour:

Dad was in and out of the hospital this spring.
His brothers (they are also my uncles) arrived to provide support and encouragement after hearing the prognosis.

 We got a new roommate. Larsen was my parents' cat but he is now living with us. He's a lover not a fighter. And a seriously good sleeper.

The Turkey broke his wrist in karate class. He was learning, of all things, how to fall properly. (It's obvious he didn't do well with that particular lesson.) He's fine now but the adventure came with a sling, an MRI, then a brace, and more than a few doctor's visits. 

The insect petting zoo at Maryland Day was a big success. The millipede didn't pee or poop on him.

 Easter. The last time my Dad was in church. I cried. The Turkey was an acolyte. (That's him on the right of the peeps standing around the altar.)  

Peony season came and went. This coincided with my Dad's funeral. My house smelled good through the tears.  

The rest of May is a blur. 

Tears will do that.

 In early June I was back in New York to attend a work event.

This is the antithesis of the photo above. It also happens to be Central Park.

It wasn't the Michelangelo but the hotel was definitely nice this time. And they had key cards and a doorman. Bonus! 

The Turkey finished school and left for camp 2 weeks ago. I have all sorts of notions about cleaning closets and organizing Lego Land while he's away but so far I've been shopping and working, and just piddling around the house. 

"Piddling."  That word makes me smile. I can hear my grandmother saying it... :-)

Speaking of work... I have a new office! Even with the boxes unpacked it's bigger than my old office, and I am loving the floor-to-ceiling window.

My birthday came and went and so did our annual tailgate/birthday party at the Fourth of July celebration. Party pictures to follow next post.

And I promise I'll be back sooner rather than later this time. 

Pinky promise! :-) 

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