Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The magic button!

Sometimes we need a little help getting over a hurdle. Do you ever remember feeling like things just weren't going your way? Maybe it was a work situation. Or a relationship snafu. Maybe it was a school thing. Or - how about this - your flights were cancelled and then your bags went to Great Falls, Montana while you were in Great Falls, Virginia and the snow meant you weren't going to see your new clothes until next week when you really needed them today. Or maybe, just maybe, your air conditioner crapped out during the first heat wave of the season and the super-duper fix-it people couldn't get out to take a look for 10 days and then they needed to order parts and a week later it was still not working but then a second order on new parts did the trick but it only crapped out again during the next heat wave. (Yeah. May was air conditioner H-E-double-hockey-sticks month.)

Anyhoo...there's finally an answer for those days or moments when you just want wave a magic wand and have everything all better. It might not be able to recover your bags back from KGTF but it will, and I mean WILL make everything OK. Just click here.

No promises on the efficacy of this magic button, but my air conditioner is working like a charm now. :-)

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