Monday, October 20, 2008

Lordy, lordy!

So we're in the car, the location of many great conversations, and start talking about H. Yep. That's the letter H. Specifically, as the letter H appears in Jesus H. Christ. Right. "Mom, what does the H in Jesus H. Christ stand for?" The question was asked and, as any good parent would do, I pounced on the opportunity for a teaching moment.

Uh. Yeah. Cough. Little white lie alert. Let me clarify ... the question was asked and I first used it as a spring board to Teenager Conversation and THEN to the teaching opportunity. It went something like this ...

What does the H stand for? Let's brainstorm possibilities. Hugo? Herbert? Hunter? Humperdink was a popular answer, and the suggestion of Heffner brought on peals of laughter. Humphrey? Hoyt? Hiram? Huckleberry? Harry? Humdinger? Heaven? The list went on.

Forget the etymological answer for just a sec -- which is the Greek IHS (ding! teaching moment) -- and meander back to Heffner because there are still uncontrollable giggles. Just picture it: Jesus Heffner Christ. Oh my. Do you see it? Picture the two men - Jesus Christ and Hugh Heffner. Did you catch the similarity? Right. They both walk around in ROBES! And picture the girls next door as apostles! LOL!

Lordy! We both laughed so hard we cried. The good news is that instead of uttering "Jesus H. Christ" on occasion, now the turkey mutters "Heffner!"
Oy vey!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, so I'll sign that application for seminary. Mom