Tuesday, February 16, 2010


It's Tuesday. The snow is slowly melting but there is still more on the ground than our normal annual accumulation. I am back at work. The kids go back to school tomorrow but on a shortened schedule. Now there are new worries about killer potholes and flooding caused by the melting. Oh, and rumors of another nor'easter for the end of the month. Heavy sigh. Moving to Florida is sounding better and better.

But on a much Much MUCH more positive note -- and because snow is now a four letter word -- I just have to share this cool group, Improv Everywhere. How awesome that they create smiles among vast groups of people without asking for a dime in return. Just a bunch of peeps with a vast cadre of volunteers dispensing happiness. Neato burrito! I especially liked the Little League mission called "Best Game Ever." The text and still photos are utterly fantastic about describing what happened -- this is seriously cool stuff, people! -- and give a great perspective of how it all went down. It's also on YouTube (but not quite as goose-bump-inducing; you really should click on that link above and read the description; just sayin'):

Totally cool! Those kids and families had a great experience that day all because some people wanted to dispense smiles. Betcha you too experienced some smilage. ;-)

After all that snow a warm smile feels really good.

Keep smiling, turkeys!

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