Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snowmageddon 2010

Is it Snowmageddon or Snowpocalypse? Do I really care? Um. No. I just know that we are in the middle of a historic snow storm here in the DC Metro area. The largest snow fall on record was 28" in 1922 and we are well on our way to burying that in a new snow drift. Seriously. The forecasters this morning are even upping the initial thoughts on our totals, now calling for 24"-30" before this is all over. Waaaaa! I can't even imagine what that will look like, much less how "fun" (*cough!*) it will be to shovel.

To give you an idea of what's on the ground after last night, here are the morning photos:

That's our mailbox on the far left, and our neighbor's green truck is barely visible in the middle of the picture.

Another shot of the mailbox, this time towards the right. (Somehow I don't think USPS will be delivering today.) 

The pink turkey herself modeling Winter 2010 Haute Shovel Wear. Don't you know Stacy and Clinton are seriously jealous! Hee hee :-) 

The front porch pre- snow removal. Yes, it is February and that is a Christmas wreath on my front door. It looks good with the fresh dusting of snow, dontcha think?

There was somewhat of a path to the front door by 9:00 am. 

Then it was the Turkey's turn with the shovel. We got about 1/3 of the driveway dug out before calling it quits for a while. This is heavy, wet snow and NOT easy to move. And it's still coming down in droves. Sigh.

And once it's out of the driveway it's in a huge pile. Somehow I know that pile will be getter bigger and bigger throughout the day. Sigh. And another sigh.

I am planning to get back out at 11:00 am for another turn with the shovel. It's daunting to know that the earlier shovel work is already buried, but what the heck. Better now than trying to do it all later, right? (That one gets an *audible sigh.*) It is going to be a looooong day. Come back and check out our progress throughout the day. Blog updates will be posted between shoveling and baking and watching movies and anything else we can do inside, so stay tuned for more updates from Snowmageddon Central. 

Oh, and feel free to come over and take a turn with the shovel. :-) 

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