Sunday, February 7, 2010

Snowmageddon III

24. That's veinticuatro, vierundzwanzig, twentyfour or XXIV.

24 inches is the official snow total for the pink turkey's abode. Considering we don't usually exceed 15" in an entire winter, 24" in 28 hours is mind boggling. (Back and shoulder boggling if you are the one wielding the shovel!)

We headed out on this bright and sunny day to make more of that 24" vamoose from the driveway and sidewalks.
...and then we shoveled a little further in to the street. Still no plow so it may be another day or two before we can go anywhere.  You can see what I mean:
And here's a side street:
The lines in the snow are where people have been walking. No trucks, no cars, no plows are making it through there. 

Our house.  I particularly like the "halo" created by the sun. Mr. Sun was a huge help in getting rid of some of the ice today. Thanks, Mr. Sun! I hope you come back tomorrow, too. 

Oh. Remember the mailbox pictures from yesterday? Here's the mailbox post shoveling: 

Somehow I think we may be getting a new mailbox come spring.

We also discovered that our favorite Italian restaurant at the end of the street is actually open today. Hooray! Not that we are wanting for food, but it's always nice to get out and, heck, a pizza during the Super Bowl is always VERY welcome.

Hmm. Wonder if they have wings, too?

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