Wednesday, April 7, 2010

76 Trombones

Well, not quite trombones.  Try 76 heralding trumpets.

76 brochures heralding/trumpeting different colleges, that is. 

Our mailbox has been fed a constant stream of college publications ever since the Turkey took the PSAT. It became so ridiculous that we started keeping the brochures, throwing them into a pile. The pile has collapsed several times and now resides in a box. In a box. With a fox. Fox in socks. Fox in socks in a box.

Oh, wait. Wrong story. Let's get back to it...

There is a box in our house filled with college brochures. I decided to take a look through it earlier and counted 76 different colleges represented so far. And that's only the printed pieces. I can't even begin to tell you how many more have peppered the Turkey's email box with messages. And do you know how many of these emails or snail mails have been opened? Care to take a guess?

I'll pause while you think. *pause*

Is that thinking thunk? 

Ready for this? ....

3. That's right - THREE. And I'm the one who opened them!

So every day when the mail comes I just shake my head as another college brochure meets the box. Some days it's 2 and other days it's 4. (That would be 2 or 4 brochures, not heads!) If this is the deluge now, post PSAT and while the kid is a sophomore, what is coming our way after the SAT and during his junior year when, I expect, the heralding/trumpeting will be at its zenith? I am shaking my head again. Oy vey! Our poor mailman. 

Secretly -- pinky promise you'll keep this a secret! -- secretly I am tickled all sorts of shades of pink that my kid and his nerdiness are in demand. It makes my heart go pitter-pat, pitter-pat, I throw yet another brochure into the box. With the fox. In socks.

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