Friday, April 30, 2010


I promised to share Maryland Day pictures with you and am happy to finally post the relevant links. Woo hoo! Click here to see the official university photos as posted on Flickr. You'll see lots of smiling faces, fun events and activities, friends of mine, the President and Mrs., blue skies, lots of green, ice cream and loads of grins. Sadly, no decorated golf carts in this heap. But check this one out:

See me? Look closely ... there! ... that's me on the far right, red jacket and holding papers. That's my colleague, Leslie, in the white shirt next to me. (Hi, Leslie!) During the time this picture was taken I was trying to be inconspicuous but obviously didn't succeed very well. *Sigh.*

Here's a shot WG took where I am VERY conspicuous:
Ugh. I was waiting for the chauffeuree to finish an event and get back on the golf cart so we could speed away to the next destination. In true multi-tasking fashion, I was also having a very animated conversation and WG was fussing at me to stay still for the photo. Ugh again. And t-shirts do nothing to elongate a neck. Triple ugh.

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