Thursday, April 29, 2010


Today is April 29. Know what day it is?

If you said National Shrimp Scampi day you'd be right! But it's not what I was going for.

Another guess?

Smack in the middle of National Playground Safety Awareness Week?

Yep! But no. 

National Poem in Your Pocket Day?

Yep! But no again. One more guess?

National Dance Day?

Well, we could definitely dance for this one because today, April 29, is my Blogiversary! (sing it with me...) Happy blogiversary to Pink! (cha cha cha) Happy blogiversary to Pink! (cha cha cha) Happy blogiversarrr-yyyyy to Pin-ink (cha cha cha) Happy blogiversary to Pink! (chaaaaaaa)

It's been two years of sharing little snippets of our lives with you in this small but pink corner of the web. Two years. Heck, that is longer than most of my relationships! (!!!) Even after 730 days of being a blogger I continue to be tickled pink that you, the three readers out there, keep reading. Many thanks for stopping by and being an e-friend. You really rock. Really! 

(clip art found on Google Images)

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