Friday, April 23, 2010

Looking for something to do this weekend?

If you are looking for something to do this weekend in the DC metro area, may I suggest Maryland Day? It's free, fun and humongous. After doing this for 12 years we have gotten to be pros at Maryland Day and, let me tell ya', it's da bomb! Over 400 workshops, events, activities, opportunities, performances, hands-on learning, and lots and lots of fun. Serious fun! Click on the link even if you can't come out and play on Saturday. My friend the Web Goddess always enjoys the additional hits. (You're welcome, WG!)

This year my job is to decorate the golf carts for the President and the Mrs. Yee haw! I've spent a little too much office time planning the decor and can't wait to show you the pictures of the finished masterpieces. Hopefully the rain in the forecast will hold off, letting the decorations sparkle in the sunlight as planned. Fingers crossed.

If you make it to campus and happen to see an iridescent golf cart streaking across the lawn, that's me playing chauffeuress. Please wave. Say hello. You can even follow me to the free ice cream. ;-)

You're welcome.

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