Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Wii bit of humor

What do you get when you cross Super Mario Brothers with the Wii and stir in a healthy dose of humor? You guessed it (or didn't) -- Super Pii Pii Brothers!

Check out the website for the whole skinny on this Wii craze. What a game! My only question: does it come with toilet paper? (insert laugh track here) (People really go to great streams lengths for April fools jokes, don't they?)

I usually don't buy into the whole potty humor thing but this was just too funny! And if it's left you wanting more of this Think Geek foolery just point and click here. My faves are (because you're dying to know, right?) the Monolith Action Figure and the Squeez Bacon. Oh, and the Screaming Chef's Knife. And let's not forget the Wireless Extension Cords or the Programmable Tattoos. How about the USB Desktop Tanning Center?

Oh, I am still giggling. :-) Go, pop culture, go!

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