Monday, April 12, 2010

Free coffee

Today is Monday which means free coffee is just 3 days away, folks. One. Two. Three. Free!

Yes, you read that right -- FREE COFFEE! Take your reusable travel mug to Starbucks this Thursday and they will fill it for free. And just in case you're scratching your head and wondering if I have finally fallen off the proverbial rocker -- why would Starbucks give away coffee? to everyone? on a Thursday? -- here is the confirmation from Starbucks' website:

Join the movement. On April 15th, bring a reusable travel mug into your local Starbucks and get a free brewed coffee.


One person can save trees, together we can save forests.

For the good of the planet, Starbucks is encouraging everyone to switch from paper cups to reusable travel mugs. One day in March thousands of New Yorkers made the switch. Join them now by taking a pledge to do the same.

Click here for details.

The pink turkey will be there Thursday, pink travel mug in hand. Hope to see you there!

(Oh, come on. You didn't think my travel mug would be any color BUT pink, didya?) 

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